Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Good Health Tips

Good Health Tips
Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D., is the most famous living guru in the fitness field. He is the father of the aerobics movement whose books, fitness center, research and lectures have converted countless couch potatoes, coporate leaders and skeptical fellow doctors into believers, promoters and practitioners of exercise for health and a better life. His career, like those of many pioneering medical researchers before him, underscores the wisdom of what Hugh (Medical Heretics) Riordan attributed to Schopenhauer. Namely, all breakthrough ideas go through three stages: first they are ignored, then vigorously opposed and finally accepted as self-evident.

I know Dr. Cooper and his acclaimed partner and spouse, Millie. They are warm, friendly and admired and loved by everybody. Could a crank find anything associated with the good doctor to niggle, cavil or nit-pick about? Would anyone dare, presume or otherwise hazard a bit of a critique of the work, style or emphasis of this American hero? Specifically, would Yours Truly want to whine or querulously quibble about anything associated with the legendary wonderfulness of the good doctor?

Of course. With a bit of an attitude, a touch of irreverence and a dash of chutzpa, not to mention a reckless disregard of one's personal safety, job and reputation, a curmudgeon in modern-day America can go after anybody.


Of course, food is also extremely important when it comes to staying healthy. What you put into your body is definitely going to be reflected in your overall health. So, it is important that you learn what foods are healthy to eat and how they can affect your body. Are you interested in health food? If so, then you can find more information about health food right here. You’ll learn how important it is, how effective it can be, and even a bit on where you can find it. For those who are trying to improve their health by eating the right foods, this site has a great deal of advice and many tips to offer.

Believe it or not, many people forget their hair when they are thinking about their health. If you want hair that looks great, then you are going to have to take care of that. A person that keeps themselves in the best possible health is definitely going to have great looking hair as well. Perhaps you are suffering from hair loss and you’d like to find out how you can stop the problem. If so, then you can find great information on hair loss, products to help, and other great tips for keeping your hair healthy and avoiding even more hair loss.

Looking for topics on general health? You’ll find what you’re looking for here. From topics regarding women’s health to special health issues for men, there are great health articles that you’ll find helpful and informative.
Heart Burn

Heart burn is a very common problem that many people deal with; however, many of them actually are unaware of what they are experiencing. Here you can learn more information about heart burn and how it can affect your life. Not only will you learn more about heartburn, but you’ll also learn about great over the counter and prescription medications that can help. If you prefer natural medicine, then you can also check out our articles dealing with herbal remedies for heart burn as well.
Sinus Infections

If you’ve ever had a sinus infection, you no doubt know how miserable they can be. Here at Good Health Tips you can find great articles that will help to educate you even more on these miserable infections. You’ll find information about the signs of a sinus infection, some helpful information on various sinus infection remedies, and some great tips to prevent and get rid of a sinus infection.

Best Health Tips

Best Health Tips
We've done the legwork for you and here they are: the 15 best health tips.
1. Copy your kitty: Learn to do stretching exercises when you wake up. It boosts circulation and digestion, and eases back pain.

2. Don’t skip breakfast. Studies show that eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying to lose weight. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight. A balanced breakfast includes fresh fruit or fruit juice, a high-fibre breakfast cereal, low-fat milk or yoghurt, wholewheat toast, and a boiled egg.

3. Brush up on hygiene. Many people don't know how to brush their teeth properly. Improper brushing can cause as much damage to the teeth and gums as not brushing at all. Lots of people don’t brush for long enough, don’t floss and don’t see a dentist regularly. Hold your toothbrush in the same way that would hold a pencil, and brush for at least two minutes. This includes brushing the teeth, the junction of the teeth and gums, the tongue and the roof of the mouth. And you don't need a fancy, angled toothbrush – just a sturdy, soft-bristled one that you replace each month.

4. Neurobics for your mind. Get your brain fizzing with energy. American researchers coined the term ‘neurobics’ for tasks which activate the brain's own biochemical pathways and to bring new pathways online that can help to strengthen or preserve brain circuits. Brush your teeth with your ‘other’ hand, take a new route to work or choose your clothes based on sense of touch rather than sight. People with mental agility tend to have lower rates of Alzheimer's disease and age-related mental decline.

5. Get what you give! Always giving and never taking? This is the short road to compassion fatigue. Give to yourself and receive from others, otherwise you’ll get to a point where you have nothing left to give. And hey, if you can’t receive from others, how can you expect them to receive from you?

6. Get spiritual. A study conducted by the formidably sober and scientific Harvard University found that patients who were prayed for recovered quicker than those who weren’t, even if they weren’t aware of the prayer.

7. Get smelly. Garlic, onions, spring onions and leeks all contain stuff that’s good for you. A study at the Child’s Health Institute in Cape Town found that eating raw garlic helped fight serious childhood infections. Heat destroys these properties, so eat yours raw, wash it down with fruit juice or, if you’re a sissy, have it in tablet form.

8. Knock one back. A glass of red wine a day is good for you. A number of studies have found this, but a recent one found that the polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in green tea, red wine and olives may also help protect you against breast cancer. It’s thought that the antioxidants help protect you from environmental carcinogens such as passive tobacco smoke.

9. Bone up daily. Get your daily calcium by popping a tab, chugging milk or eating yoghurt. It’ll keep your bones strong. Remember that your bone density declines after the age of 30. You need at least 200 milligrams daily, which you should combine with magnesium, or it simply won’t be absorbed.

10. Berries for your belly. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain plant nutrients known as anthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries rival grapes in concentrations of resveratrol – the antioxidant compound found in red wine that has assumed near mythological proportions. Resveratrol is believed to help protect against heart disease and cancer.

11. Curry favour. Hot, spicy foods containing chillies or cayenne pepper trigger endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Endorphins have a powerful, almost narcotic, effect and make you feel good after exercising. But go easy on the lamb, pork and mutton and the high-fat, creamy dishes served in many Indian restaurants.

12. Cut out herbs before ops. Some herbal supplements – from the popular St John's Wort and ginkgo biloba to garlic, ginger, ginseng and feverfew – can cause increased bleeding during surgery, warn surgeons. It may be wise to stop taking all medication, including herbal supplements, at least two weeks before surgery, and inform your surgeon about your herbal use.

13. I say tomato. Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups and casseroles, as well as in salads. The British Thoracic Society says that tomatoes and apples can reduce your risk of asthma and chronic lung diseases. Both contain the antioxidant quercetin. To enjoy the benefits, eat five apples a week or a tomato every other day.

14. Eat your stress away. Prevent low blood sugar as it stresses you out. Eat regular and small healthy meals and keep fruit and veggies handy. Herbal teas will also soothe your frazzled nerves. Eating unrefined carbohydrates, nuts and bananas boosts the formation of serotonin, another feel-good drug. Small amounts of protein containing the amino acid tryptamine can give you a boost when stress tires you out.

15. Load up on vitamin C.We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guavas!

Fitness Tips For Women

Fitness Tips For Women
We all know that exercise is essential to living a healthy lifestyle. It's the best way to lose body fat, because exercise boosts the metabolism and encourages the body to burn excess calories. Physical exercise revs up your heart and gets your lungs pumping at their maximum capacity. You'll have healthier bones when you exercise, and you'll look good and feel great about yourself. Exercise gives you increased stamina, making it easier for you to keep up with life's busy pace.

The unfortunate reality is that, although nearly everyone is aware of the many benefits of fitness, many women ignore the facts and choose to do nothing. It's too easy to press the snooze button, take the elevator or drive to work. In our society of convenience, people are suffering with a lack of health and fitness.

To maintain optimum health and keep your body strong, it is recommended that at least two of these tips be incorporated into all women's health and fitness routines:
You don't have to be Superwoman.

Don't fret if you feel as though you're not doing enough. Women often have the innate feeling that they're letting someone down. Don't worry if you're not able to spend ten hours a week at the gym or go for a run every morning. All that really matters is that you can commit to improving your health and fitness, and stick to a program. Professionals advise working out three to five times a week in 20-60 minute sessions, but our busy schedules don't always allow this. You can easily become frustrated if you can't meet someone else's ideal. Working out twice a week at twenty minutes per session will put you on the right track.
 Focus on your successes.

Concentrate on how good you feel about your new health and fitness regime. If weight loss is part of your plan, and you're struggling to meet your goal, don't beat yourself up about it. Focus on what you've done to this point, and use today as a new starting point. You've made a commitment to yourself, and that is your biggest success.
. Put weights before cardio.

Many women begin their health and fitness routines with cardio exercises, and then follow it up with weight lifting. The disadvantage is that you may be missing out on a critical component of the routine, because you're spending all of your time with cardio. If this is a regular occurrence, the outcome can be disappointing despite countless hours at the gym. Reverse the order and perform weight training first. You'll likely see a more positive visible outcome.
7 Fitness Tips
Women are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of keeping fit and healthy. Living a healthy lifestyle entails commitment, dedication, and hard work.

The following fitness tips for women will help keep you on track so you can accomplish your long-term fitness goals.
1. Start Slow

Start your exercise program slowly, especially if you're new to exercise. Aim for 15 to 20 minutes a day, three to five days a week. You can gradually increase your workout time and increase the number of exercise days.

Take care not to overdo your exercise routine to avoid injury, sore muscles, frustration or disappointment.
2. Set Goals

This is a very important fitness tip that women should not overlook. Find out why you want to exercise and identify your fitness goals. You may want to lose weight, in which case you must decide how many pounds you want to lose every week.

Or, you may be trying to lower your cholesterol levels or normalize your blood pressure. Whatever your fitness goal may be, make sure they are realistic.
3. Pay Attention To Your Body

The intensity of your exercise will depend on your current fitness level. Your exercise routine should leave you feeling tired but euphoric. You mustn't exert yourself to the point where you can no longer catch your breath or you begin to feel sick. If this should happen back off at once.
4. Warm Up

Warming up prepares your body for physical activity. It increases blood flow to your muscles and limbers them up. Your warm-up activity should use the same muscles as your workout. If you are going to walk briskly or jog, start by walking slowly for about 10 minutes.
5. Stretch

After warming up, stretch your muscles to avoid strain and injury. Stretching after your workout also helps reduce soreness. You'll feel more comfortable afterwards and you'll be more likely to continue your exercise regimen.
6. Pick The Right Activity

There are many fitness activities that you can do, including swimming, jogging, biking, yoga, playing tennis and other fun activities. Pick an activity that you enjoy doing and you'll be more likely to stick with it. You don't even have to join a gym.
7. Make Time For Your Fitness Program

Include your physical activity in your calendar as you would an important appointment. Being busy is not an excuse to skip your exercise routine. Walk during your lunch hour, if necessary.

Great Skin Tips

Great Skin Tips
As an actor/model, it's really important to have nice clear skin. You will look younger and healthier, you'll probably book a lot more work, and makeup artists will love you. I have really great skin and get tons of compliments on it. I'm not going to lie and say that I don't work to keep it that way, or that my skin is always perfect. I had acne for a couple of years when I was a teenager and those were some hard times.
In order to clear my skin, my doctor at the time prescribed me some face cream that contained large amounts of benzoyl peroxide, a chemical that is common many face washes today. I no longer use such harsh products on my skin, but I have perfected a regimen that keeps my skin clear most of the time. People ask me all the time what I use on my skin so here is my regimen:

As far as my skin goes, my regimen is pretty simple. I thoroughly cleanse my skin using cleaning cloths that come in packs of 30. These cloths remove makeup/dirt/oil really well. Olay Daily Facials Deep Cleansing Cloths are the brand, but I actually use the generic version from CVS. The CVS brand has a better texture (and they're cheaper) than the Olay, and gives me better results. The link that I gave you actually shows both brands side by side.
After cleansing with the cloths, I wash with Ambi Even and Clear Exfoliating Face Wash. Then I use Neutrogena Pore Refining Toner. I just take a cotton pad, pour a bit on and swipe all over my face. After it dries, my final step is to moisturize with Ambi Even and Clear Moisturizer with SPF 30. Ambi products are marketed to "women of color" but women of all ethnicities can use it. I've known whites and Asians that use the products.
    * What you put on your skin Wash your face daily
    * Unclog your pores regularly
    * ONLY use reputable products!

    * What you put in your body Follow a clear skin diet
    * Foods with vitamins for skin
    * Try to avoid junk food!

While it may seem like getting clear skin can be a challenge for many people, there are certainly several ways to get rid of acne. In some cases all you need to do is take care of yourse while sometimes, especially if you want to see faster results, it may be worth considering some good acne treatments.

After carefully listening to your input, we have compiled the best tips to help you achieve the healthy and clear skin you've always wanted and we also recently published our best acne treatment reviews. Browse through the tips that we've gathered for you after carefully observing the latest research.
What You Put On Your Skin Matters!

We listened, we researched and we have finally published our exclusive reviews for the top acne products that promise clear skin in today's market. We went through the formulas, customer reviews, prices, effectiveness and manufacturer's credibility for almost all the popular acne treatments, and we further analyzed and compared our top 4 choices - view our acne treatment comparison table.

   1. Top 6 Acne Treatments: Exposed Skin Care
   2. Clear Pores
   3. Clear Skin Max
   4. Zenmed Derma Cleanse Review
   5. Proactiv Solution Review
   6. Dermagist Review

Study the table carefully and take the time to read the individual reviews because while an acne treatment may be the best for oily skin, it may not work as well for sensitive skin and vice versa. Remember - It all starts with what sort of products you put on your skin.

Many products contain ingredients that can actually harm your skin and make your breakouts worse and the golden rule is that not all products are right for everyone. This is why it is important to learn your skin type and only use the appropriate skin care products and treatments.

Winter Dry Skin

Winter Dry Skin
Dry skin is a very common skin problem and is often worse during the winter when environmental humidity is low (i.e., "winter itch"). It can occur at all ages and in people with or without other skin problems. This newsletter discusses the causes of dry skin and how to treat and prevent this problem. We hope you find it useful.

What does dry skin look like?

Everyone is familiar to some degree with the appearance of dry skin. The normally fine lines in the skin become more visible, the skin feels rough and appears dull and flaky. In more advanced cases, fish net-like cracks resembling the fine fracture lines of cracked porcelain can occur. Dry skin occurs most commonly on the arms and legs, but can also affect the trunk of the body. Dermatologists often call dry skin "xerosis" or "asteatosis".

Problems associated with dry skin.

Dry skin very commonly produces itching, which can be severe and interfere with sleep and other daily activities. Repeated rubbing and scratching can produce areas of thickened, rough skin (lichenification). Dry, thickened skin can crack, especially in areas subject to chronic trauma (e.g., hands and feet), causing painful cracks in the skin (fissures). Dry skin and scratching may result in a dermatitis when the skin becomes red (inflamed) in addition to dry and scaly. Round, scaly, itchy, red patches scattered over the legs, arms and trunk (nummular eczema) may also appear. The appearance of yellow crusts or pus in these areas indicates that a bacterial infection is developing. This would require specific antibiotic therapy from your dermatologist or family physician.

If your skin is very dry, or if you have an associated red dermatitis, it is a good idea to seek the advice of your dermatologist or family physician. Severe dry skin is a feature of certain genetic diseases such as atopic dermatitis and ichthyosis (fish scale-like skin). In addition, people with hormone imbalances such as underactivity of the thyroid gland can also experience severe skin dryness (there are other changes in the body that accompany dry skin in this setting that helps doctors recognize this problem).
For many people, the cold clear days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. For some people, the problem is worse than just a general tight, dry feeling: They get skin so dry it results in flaking, cracking, even eczema (in which the skin becomes inflamed).

"As soon as you turn the heat on indoors, the skin starts to dry out," Bonnie LaPlante, an esthetician with the Canyon Ranch resort in Lenox, Mass., tells WebMD. "It doesn't matter if you heat your home using oil, wood, or electricity. The skin gets dry."
Recommended Related to Healthy Beauty By María Eugenia Miranda   Shampoo as makeup remover: It's not ideal, but this will do until you can make it to your beauty supply store to pick up makeup remover. Baby shampoo with water will help remove thick layers of makeup from your face, and it won't irritate your eyes. Conditioner as shaving cream: You may have forgotten to put shaving cream on your shopping list, but no worries. You probably have conditioner, which will do the job for now. Its moisturizing ingredients should...

Read the 5 Quick Beauty Fixes (Using Products You Already Own!) article > >

Sound familiar? Read on to get WebMD's top 10 tips for boosting your winter skin care regimen, so that your skin stays moist and healthy through the winter months.
1. Seek a Specialist

If you go to your local drugstore, you'll be hard put to find a salesperson who can give you good advice. That's why going to an esthetician or dermatologist even once is a good investment. Such a specialist can analyze your skin type, troubleshoot your current skin care regimen, and give you advice on the skin care products you should be using.

But that doesn't mean you'll be stuck buying high-end products. "Inexpensive products work just as well as high-end ones," says David Voron, MD, a dermatologist in Arcadia, Calif. "In fact, the extra price you pay for the expensive stuff is often just for packaging and marketing. What's most important is how your skin responds to the product -- and how you like its feel, not how much money you paid for it."
2. Moisturize More

You may have found a moisturizer that works just fine in spring and summer.  But as weather conditions change, so, too, should your skin care routine.  Find an "ointment" moisturizer that's oil-based, rather than water-based, as the oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion. (Hint: Many lotions labeled as "night creams" are oil-based.)

But choose your oils with care because not all oils are appropriate for the face. Instead, look for "nonclogging" oils, like avocado oil, mineral oil, primrose oil, or almond oil. Shea oil -- or butter -- is controversial, because it can clog facial pores. And vegetable shortening, LaPlante says, is a really bad idea. "It would just sit on the skin," she says. "And it would be really greasy."

You can also look for lotions containing "humectants," a class of substances (including glycerine, sorbitol, and alpha-hydroxy acids) that attract moisture to your skin.

Mineral Makeup

Mineral Makeup
Mineral makeup has taken over the fashion industry with a storm and is the best discovery made as mineral makeup is good for the skin.

A "new" makeup discovery that's been around for 30 years is taking the cosmetics, fashion by storm in Pakistan. Mineral makeup is the latest addition to an emerging beauty culture in Pakistan which is dedicated to better living. Unlike traditional products in Pakistan, mineral makeup ingredients include hypoallergenic loose powder that naturally nourishes the skin, contains no perfumes, talc, alcohol, dyes, mineral oil or preservatives. Not surprisingly, dermatologists in Pakistan are pleased. Two of Hollywood’s top makeup artists recently took a break from curling lashes and lining lips to offer WebMD their very different views of mineral makeup:

“I love it,” says Kerry Herta, who earned a 2011 Emmy nomination for her work on the daytime soap All My Children. “I use a mineral foundation myself. It’s so natural looking it’s like a second skin, and on hot humid summer days it wears better than traditional liquid makeup.”
Recommended Related to Healthy Beauty

Six Beauty Shortcuts

By Bora Chang

“I’m not a big fan,” says Tasha Reiko Brown, a regular on the Style Network’s How Do I Look, who has won raves for the makeup she does on singer Florence Welch of the group Florence and the Machine. “I find it collects in fine lines and pores and accentuates dry flaky areas, while it catches in slick spots. And if you’re a woman of color, it can be very difficult to find a shade that’s a good match for your skin.”

Women, of course, often disagree about the merits of makeup products. But the debate over mineral makeup is especially fierce, going beyond whether it offers a flawless glow or a cakey finish into questions of health and safety. Companies boast that their mineral makeup confers skin care benefits, while detractors raise alarms that the finely ground particles may be risky.

One thing is certain: Women are buying mineral makeup in greater numbers than ever. According to the market research group NPD, sales of mineral makeup from prestige brands were $195 million last year, or 6% of the cosmetics sold in the U.S. And that hefty figure doesn’t include mass drugstore lines such as Revlon, L’Oreal, and Neutrogena.
Mineral Makeup: Hype, Reality

Bare Escentuals started what it dubbed “the mineral revolution” when it launched its loose powder foundations in the mid 70s. Competing brands soon followed, all offering the claim that mineral makeup, made from crushed pure minerals, was more “natural” than conventional makeup.

Cosmetic chemists don’t quite see a revolution. “I think mineral makeup is marketing hype,” says Ni’Kita Wilson, a cosmetic chemist at Englewood Lab in New Jersey. Perry Romanowsksi, author of Can You Get Hooked on Lip Balm? Top Cosmetic Scientists Answer Your Questions About the Lotions, Potions and Other Beauty Products You Use Every Day, agrees. “All makeup is mineral makeup,” he says. “You’ll find the same mineral ingredients -- titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, mica and iron oxides -- in conventional products.”All of the brands reviewed are listed. For a long time the list was alphabetical, but most people come to this site looking for the best mineral makeup, or the top mineral brand, so I reorganized the list to reflect what I feel are the best mineral makeup brands, based on my own experience of over twelve years as a mineral makeup user and the input and reviews from thousands of website visitors over the last six years.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Winter Makeup Tips

Winter Makeup Tips
For winter makeup color, think rich! Jewel tones and luxurious browns are great for winter because they make up for the color you don’t usually have when the weather turns icy. More important than ever – moisturize! Changes in temperatures (inside with the heater to outside where it’s freezing, then back to your car where you turn the heater on, etc) can dry your skin out fast. Keep it smooth, and flaunt that fair skin – just don’t forget to protect it; UV rays still penetrate your skin even if it’s not hot outside. A good moisturizer with SPF 15 (at least) will keep you hydrated and looking young.Winter is glamorous in the way summer never can be. And, there is one word to sum up make-up for this season: polished (think: classic Celine-style rather than flashy Versace). Understated, smoky shades of coffee and chocolate for eyes, fresh berry shades on cheeks and lips are the of-the-moment palettes - the shiny fresh face of summer has been substituted for a more matt, understated look. It's time to replace your pared-down summer make-up bag and its glossy, fruit-coloured contents with an elegant little velvet number full of smouldering shades. Unless specified below, you'll find products at major department stores.With the arrival of winter season many people have to face complexion problems. Many people complaint against the dark complexion in the winter season and ask for some tips to follow for maintenance of their fair complexion. It is also very hard to deal with cosmetics in winter season. Skin becomes dry and complexion becomes dark. In this situation, you need to take some special steps for skin care. Here are some important tips to use cosmetic in winter season for all people.
Eye Shadow

Winter makeup tips bring back the smoky eye. The twist is using bright, bold and eye-catching shades in addition to your normal smoky eye. Grey, silver, blue and teal (reminiscent of the 70?s) are all waiting for you to pick them up. These are very bold looks, and you might be a little wary of going full-throttle. Not a problem. Why not stick to this season’s other gorgeous colors? Bronze, burgundy, coral, deep green and deep purple are fabulous bold colors that aren’t overpowering. Matte shades, a hint of sparkle or glitter encrusted are all acceptable, so go wild! Try something subtle like gray with a splash of teal or bronze with burgundy.

Eye Liner

Winter makeup tips also include eyeliner straight off the catwalk. Try liquid eyeliner for a graphic design or to get that really precise shape. There are new shapes to try this season; blunt edges and square in addition to the traditional “cat eye” swoop and taper tail. If liquid eyeliner isn’t your thing, don’t hesitate to use a powder or pencil liner for a softer line and less edginess. Either way, to perfect this season’s styles invest in eye liner.


Let’s take advantage of this year’s trend and move away from shiny lip gloss and focus on stains. Vibrant and deep colors in a sheer stain are a gorgeous way to bring your lips to the center of attention. Red, burgundy, cherry and garnet stains will add a youthful perkiness to your pucker without leaving your lips looking garish. Pick up your favorite lipstick and apply it in the middle of your lips. Then use a lip brush and brush it out to the corners and the lip line.
 Select best shades of makeup during winter season. You can use soft or dark colors of your own choice or according to color of your dress.
 Use light color foundation that is best suitable for all skin types. It will be better for you to use foundation with a combination of some moisturizing product.
 For eye makeup you can use all eye makeup products including mascara, eye liner, kajol and eyebrow enhancer with no tension. Either dry or wet eyeliners can be used and false lashes can also be used in winter season.

Winter Beauty Tips

Winter Beauty Tips
Winter is the most beautiful and pleasant season from all sorts of weathers majority of people like this cool weather. But season is generally not a favorite of some people; mainly because it is harsh on the skin. The dry skin conditions victimize our face, body and lips and are the main problems of the majority of people. There are many artificial ways and products to exfoliate the skin in winter season but some of those products are artificial ways are very harmful for the skin so should always use the reliable ways and reliable products. On the other hand natural ways of taking care of skin are safer then the artificial ways. It is time to get out the heavy-duty moisturizers. A highly protective day-care cream with appropriate SPF is an essential barrier to protect your skin against the elements Creamy, water-in-oil emulsions are best as they hydrate your skin while also protecting them from loss of moisture in the cold winds. Chapped lips are most noticeable in winter. Use a moisturizing lip balm with vitamin E in it if you want to avoid looking like you have some dreadful, peeling skin disorder.Keep reapplying the balm with a chap-stick throughout the day. Exfoliate! Dead Cells tend to pile up in winter and prevent the moisturizer from getting to the healthy skin. The oils in the skin are being produced at a lesser rate than in summer and due to this, skin tends to lose water that would otherwise have been retained in the lower dermis of the skin. Dry skin can cause premature aging and fine lines can begin to appear in improperly cared for skin.Detoxify your system with plenty of water. If you feel it difficult to gulp down room temperature water, heat your water and take it with a twist of lemon—a sort of watered-down version of lemon tea.
1. Try a creamy facial cleanser

Cleansers strip away moisture as part of the job of removing makeup, and dry winter air tends to magnify the problem. Gel cleansers can be very drying, but creamy ones like Dove deep moisture creamy facial cleanser and Neutrogena deep clean cream cleanser should help.
2. Mask the problem

Use a moisturizing facial mask to replenish moisture lost throughout the day.
3. Look for a humidifier

If your skin feels dry and tight even when you’re inside your home, there may not be enough moisture in the air for you. Scan the sale pages for a portable humidifier. Make a note to yourself to clean the filter regularly (if they get yucky they breed bacteria).
4. Turn down the heater

It’s a beauty catch 22, but overheating a cold home will worsen dry skin problems, so experiment with different settings on your heater to find the right temperature for both you and your skin.
5. Any device that heats your environment will also steal your moisture

Even electric blankets. If dry skin is driving you crazy, throw another comforter on the bed, and see how you feel after you’ve left the electric blanket unplugged for a couple nights.
6. Moisturize in the shower

Moisturize throughout the day, but try using body lotion even before you’ve left the shower, right after rinsing soap or body wash. It will help lock in some extra moisture. Rinse off and pat dry.
7. Watch the shower temp

Hot showers feel great in winter, but they wreak havoc on dry skin. Try a lukewarm shower instead, then pat your skin dry with a towel. Apply moisturizer (again) as soon as you step out of the shower.
8. Use alcohol responsibly

Avoid skin products and hairstyling products high in alcohol. When alcohol evaporates it feels cool and refreshing, but it’s also stripping away moisture, so look for alcohol-free products when the air is already dry.
9. Don’t blow it

If you’re already dealing with dry, brittle hair, resist the urge to reach for the hair dryer. It’ll only make things worse. Dry and style your hair with a towel, and if you still use a dryer, time yourself and try to use it a little less.
    * Take a proper nutritious diet, with this the skin can be rejuvenates and revitalizes.
    * The Moisture can be retrieved to the skin by drinking reasonable amount (10-12 glass) of water. Water also helps to keep many other skin problems for away.
    * Make use of green gram powder paste instead of soap in order to clean the skin. Its regular use left with soft and supple skin.
    * Apply a little amount of coconut oil on your body before taking bath to get rid off dryness.
    * Massage your face, hands and feet with herbal moisturizing lotion. Always take a good quality moisturizing lotion which is made up of natural integrands because some artificial lotions harm the skin, so choose the right product.
    * Exercises, especially Yoga keeps us fit in winter season.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Anarkali Suits

Anarkali Suits
Bollywood stars admired designer Anarkali Silk Suits, making them so famous in the 1970's to 1990's. It was made popular by Madhubala in the film 'Mughal-e-Azam' and Rekha in various other movies. In the year 2008 Madhuri donned it again in 'Devdas' and 'Aaja Nachle'. Heroines like Rekha, Parveen Babi, Jayaprada, Sridevi, Madhuri Dixit, Divya Bharti brought this Anarkali suit style into the fashion in Bollywood and it has been re-discovered time and again.

Base of this Designer Anarkali Salwar Kameez known as the skirt is uncomplicated plain umbrella patterned and the top known as the blouse or choli is made up of shimmery chiffon or china silk materials with heavy embroidery work. This Indian anarkali suit gets a chic appearance because of its blouse or choli. You can add an elite and designer look with heavy weight embroidery using zari, zardosi work, mirrors, aari, sequins and kundan. You can then embellish your cholis with a variety of designer sleeves. Your suit can look even more graceful with half sleeves as well. You can add petite ghungaroos to your half sleeves or mega sleeves hanging on your arms. Long sleeves with puff at shoulder, but sleeveless cholis can indeed make you the fashion diva of any social gathering, the dazzling eye-candy of the entire ceremony.You have listen much about Anakali dresses as well as fashion; it is consider the fashion of mughals also this fashion is quite famous and unique.

So, dress for a special occasion during the wet season rains is not an easy task. Instead, given the fact that adjustment and that there will be no need to focus on what is comfortable and practical and what is not. Although women have several options when it comes to party wear uniforms, with the onset of the rainy season many of these options are minimal.

Choli Designs

Choli Designs
 Ghagra choli is one of the most beautiful Indian outfits. Today brides prefer a contemporary look, a balance of modern with the tradition. Yet, there are brides who don't mind being more flamboyant or going for the 'mix and match look'. The latest trends in today's bridal wear are short cholis with ghagras with elaborate embroidery India has been known to have wonderful dresses and costumes. Though the majority of Indian women wear traditional costumes, the men in India can be found in more conventional western clothing.Tailored clothing is very common in India as women's blouses, custom made ghagras, designer gaghra cholis have to be made - to - fit. Off all the ethnic Indian women attires, the most eye-catching one is the lehenga choli. Though traditionally worn by the women folk in the rural belts of Indian states like Gujarat and Rajasthan. It is also known by the name of ghagra choli or chaniya choli. The home of the chaniya-choli is no doubt Kutch, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The outfit is popular in the west and north of India. In the south, another more streamlined version known as the pavade is popular.The beauty of the ghagra choli lies in the two separate parts of the garment. While the ghagra or skirt is flowing and flares around the wearer the choli or blouse is a snugly fitted piece of clothing that accentuates the female form. The odhni, the third part of the total garment, acts as a scarf or covering for the head and body and is a sign of modest shyness for the wearer. In ethnic wear a garment that is giving strong competition to the salwar kameez on the fashion charts in the 90s is not the sari but the ghagra choli. The chaniya or ghagra as it is often called has very strong traditions. The Vedas have given us indications like the Ramayana and Mahabharata that the ghagra-choli was the favourite outfit for the women of that era. Popular TV serials like the Ramayana and Mahabharata gave us indications that the ghagra choli was the famous outfit of that era. These TV serials gave tremendous boost to ghagra choli as a fashion garment.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Latest Salwar Kameez 2012

Latest Salwar Kameez 2012
Salwar Kameez is a comfortable and respective dress liked by Pakistan and all over the world. With the changing of fashion and weather women like to wear stylish and up to date dress.

For your interest SheTrends try its best to provide you information about latest and stylish dress in different fabrics hope you will enjoy with our new selection…Salwar kameez is cultural dress of Pakistan for all ages of female. Salwar kameez tradional styles and designing are bit different for all cultures depend on climate and user demand for dresses.

Pakistani Salware kameez has its own traditional color in all over the world due to latest and attractive designs with fine quality of fabric. Which can be wear as bridal dresses, causal dresses, party dresses and wedding dresses not only available in simple designing but also with latest emmboridery, cut work, ston work and other latest designing.

In summer session light weight cotton dress are consider best fabric but in winter session a large type of stuff are used.

It's amazing to see how the traditional Salwar Kameez has become amazingly fashionable by introducing latest style and latest design. With every passing year, fashion trends and style sensibility change or evolve at a rapid pace. Similar to Western Clothing, this is equally true of Indian Clothing. The latest Salwar Kameez designs derived from the traditional salwar kameez is one such example. When speaking of traditional Salwar Kameez, the Salwar is voluminous with lots of pleats while the Kameez is shorter in length, usually few inches above the knee.

With vivid and vibrant festivals along with grand Weddings to celebrate, women do not lack opportunities to shop for gorgeous Salwar Kameez. It's during these occasions that women desire to look fashionable or unique and this is when they hunt for latest indian outfits . Contrary to the traditional Salwar Kameez, latest salwar designs flaunt subtle or apt changes in the Salwar Kameez which makes all the difference.

Latest Sarees 2012

Latest Sarees 2012
A sari or saree is a strip of un-stitched cloth, ranging from four to nine metersin length that is draped over the body in various styles.It is popular in India,angladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Burma, Mauritius, and Malaysia. The most commonstyle is for the sari to be wrapped around the waist, with one end then draped overthe shoulder baring the midriff.
 Brides Galleria Unleashed its Designer Saree Collection 2012.

When it comes to Indian clothing saree is the most comfortable and women are happy wearing them everywhere. It is considered to be one of the most sexiest and traditional attire for a woman. Whenever a woman plans to buy a saree for any function or occasion then it is mostly preferred that they buy something different just to complete their wardrobe with all types of collections. There are many types and varieties in saree's material or the work done over it. It can be a simple cotton saree or a silk saree with golden thread work done in some artistic manner.
Dark colors like dark bottle green, black, dark royal blue, purple, dark maroon and violets are liked by all this season and are the trendy colors of this season. And moreover resham work or sequins over it make the saree look more beautiful and the work compliments the dark color. And the blouse material and the design of the blouse depend on the taste of various individuals. The blouse can be designed as per the liking of the buyer. Sarees are the most appropriate garment for any evening parties or any get together or any such kind of occasion.

 Among bridal sarees georgette, and net is something that is evergreen and liked by all. It is also because these fabrics give an aesthetic and slimmer look to the personality of a woman. Georgette is basically a crinkly material that is made from synthetic and silk fibers that makes it a rough texture. This material is considered to be one of the most sought materials that are the first preference for almost every designer saree. Nowadays such types of sarees are liked with fine embroidery that makes it look more glamorous and rich on the other hand. The magic of these designer embroideries and prints has an ability of draping the whole saree in different styles and bringing out the worth the best part of its creativity.
 Redefine feminine charm clad in this Viscose and Net orangish peach shade saree. Comes with matching blouse. First half is flooded with fancy woven decorative motifs. Second half on net features buttis and zari embroidered floral motifs enhanced with sequins. Fancy woven patch panel featuring zari embroidered applique motif adds charm. Fancy patch border enhanced with pita embroidered decorative patterns and sequin embellished buttis elegantly accentuates the saree.
Enhance your feminine look clad in this red shade net saree. Comes with matching blouse and in skirt. Features shimmer printed floral motifs. Second half features resham embroidered floral patterned border. Contrast patch border featuring zari embroidered decorative patterns enhanced with sequins, elegantly accentuates the saree.

 Attract compliments galore clad in this in this Faux Georgette and Net Black shade saree. Comes with matching blouse. First half features fancy dotted buttis. Second half features sequin embellished buttis. Fancy patch panel enhanced with zari woven decorative motifs and pita embroidered decorative applique motif, adds charm. Pallu part features sequin embellished buttis, pita embroidered decorative motifs enhanced with sequins, beads and aari work. Contrast patch border enhanced with similar rich embellishments accentuates the saree.

Indian Wedding Sarees 2012

Indian Wedding Sarees 2012
Indian Wedding Sari has its own importance among other charms and priorities of wedding ceremony in India and some other Asian countries. Groom and bridal are both very conscious about all perfect preparation to make their wedding more special and glamorous in different way, but choice of wedding dress depend on culture which vary from country to country.

Saree or Sari is traditional dress of India and Bangladesh used for different occasions mostly as a wedding dress with both sharp and soft colors.
Many attractive styles and designs of latest Indian Wedding Sari are designed for bridals with some new innovations. If you are interesting in latest and glamorous styles of Indian Wedding Sari then you can concern with our sari saree collection.
Red color is used extensively in wedding parties and it is considered as a sign of joy and pleasure here in South Asian wedding parties. Wedding planners always try to accumulate all obligatory and decorative stuff in red color. In a similar fashion, the bridal dress is mostly chooses in red color. Here we have some fabulous red color Indian bridal sarees 2011-12 for you.

This Bridal Saree is in pure red color. Pure red color always attracts others and this Indian Bridal Saree definitely magnetizes you. Fashionable blouse with fancy embroidered saree is looking just amazing. Fancy embroidery work on border of the saree is a result of vast working experience with the greater sense of humor of fashion. Sleeveless blouse totally is in new fashion. No strips, no laces but the designer used same fabric to tie the blouse which is looking so effective. Same sort of embroidery work is being done on blouse as on the saree.
 This Indian Bridal Saree 2011-2012 is in casual style with latest type of blouse. The sleeve less blouse of same fabric also has same sort of style. Rich embroidery work on this Indian bridal saree makes this more beautiful and elegant.
 It is always fun to attend Indian wedding as you can have complete fun with best food and other religious activities. But since the day of wedding is decided, one thing that comes in mind is shopping, especially in ladies mind. Sarees are Indian tradition and are very well accepted across the world. Draping saree would not only make you look sexier but it would also add more to your appearance or beauty. Moreover Indian wedding are completely jazzy type occasion where everything is quiet glittery. In such case wedding sarees with heavy work or border are preferred.
Good research work involves searching on net, having good networking and so on. Look for the designer that can help you in every possible way to select the best design as per your body structure and occasion. Before this, first you need to determine your own wants. What type of wedding sarees you are looking for? Are they based on silk, crepe, faux, chiffon, and so on? Look for the saree that would make you look graceful and also it would assist you to match with the wedding environment. Also see to it that you select classy design and dont overdo with pattern as wedding is a traditional function and your attire should resemble with tradition.
In India, women use Trendy Latest Sarees as day-to-day wear or elaborate Trendy Latest Sarees with complex embroidery and sequin work for events such as weddings, parties or grand festivals such as Diwali and Eid. Nowadays, Trendy Latest Sarees are available in a wide collection of designs and every day a plethora of new designs are added to the market giving abundant choice to the buyer. However, one has to note that Trendy Latest Sarees and blouse may not complete a woman’s clothing and crowds of accessories such as bangles, matching footwear and elaborate jewelry may be necessary to complement the Trendy Latest Saree perfectly.
Working women generally complain about the large amount of time they have to invest in draping around the Trendy Latest Sarees and some also point out the care they have to take to keep the pleats in place. The best solution to this problem is a readymade pre-stitched sarees. This type of sarees not only saves time but also acts an ideal choice in a working environment and frees you from the bothers of draping the Trendy Latest Saree around the waist.
However, the latest type of sarees style that is anprompt eye-catcher is a Lehenga style sarees. A Lehenga Sarees combines the charisma of a Lehenga with the elegance of a sarees and is perfect for weddings and grand festivals. Lehenga sareess are not only easier to drape around than a conservativesarees but also much more comfortable and are available in a countless of styles and designs. Some usually available must try in this category are: georgette Sarees, crepe Lehenga Sarees, brocadeLehenga Sarees, viscose Lehenga Sarees, etc.
Bridal Sarees 2012 is considered to be the most sophisticated traditional Indian outfit of women. Indians believe wearing Bridal Saree 2012 is a part of their tradition. As t defines the beauty of a woman, women in all over the world wear it in different special events. It is a simple and exclusive garment having numerous beautiful designs and colors which adds to her beauty.
A Bridal Sarees 2012 –sari or shari–is a strip of untied cloth. It spreads from four to nine meters in length. It is draped over the body in different styles. But clearly, the style of wearing a Bridal Indian Sarees differs from place to place. The most common style to wear a Bridal Sarees is to the sarees to be wrapped around the waist with the other end of the drape worn over the shoulder. This garment does not cover the stomach part of our body. A blouse also known as choli or ravika forms the upper garment over which the Bridal Sarees is worn by women. This blouse has short has short sleeves and a low neck. It can be decorated with mirror or embroidered to make it more fancy and attractive so that it can be worn in different special events like on the wedding day. The Bridal Sarees is worn over an underskirt or a petticoat (pavada in south and shaya in east India). It helps to hold the sarees and tuck in the pleats of the sarees in it.