Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Teeth Whitening Tips

Teeth Whitening Tips
One of the most common reasons why people tend to seek dental assistance is Discoloration of teeth. Even people having dentitions with normal color willingly go for teeth whitening procedures or teeth bleaching procedures. Everyone wants to get a best teeth whitener to make teeth cleaner. But, before they can ask their dentists for an appointment, people aim towards gathering as much information and tips as they can get their hands on about dental whitening and teeth cleaning. This is the simplest home teeth remedy that you can use without spending a lot of money. Just take some quantity of ordinary table salt and mix it with the lemon juice. Just mix both well and store it in any closed vessel. This can be used for months without the danger of being expired. But I recommend you to prepare not more than the one month’s use. It is observed that using this mixture with the ordinary toothbrush to brush your teeth, make your teeth white and clean. Just make a thin layer of this paste on your toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual. The tartar developed on your teeth is quickly removed by this method.

Usually there are no side effect seen by using this home teeth whitening tip, but it is seen that some people’s teeth are sensitive to the table salt.Many people are using this simple home teeth whitening remedy to make their teeth bright and clean. The tip is very simple. Just take the peel of orange or lemon and rub their inner white side with your teeth. You don’t need your toothbrush for this home remedy. Rub all of your teeth gently and properly with these peels and you will see that your teeth are really sparkling. If you want to increase the good effect, then add small quantity of ordinary table salt with the peels and you will get the better results.Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen strips are not as harsh on your teeth as whitening strips are, and in addition, are more affordable as well. Hydrogen Peroxide is the main key ingredient that is found in many of the teeth whitening products that everyone uses. Hydrogen peroxide strips can really cause your teeth to appear white, as this deep bleaching process has a track record of producing great teeth whitening results. In most case, you may start noticing a differences from using hydrogen strips in 30 days.

Use only one set of whitening strips once a week. Extended use of this kind of whiteners can make your teeth sensitive but is found very affective.