Thursday 5 January 2012

White Teeth Tips

White Teeth Tips
Have you ever wondered if you can get sparkling White teeth naturally using simple, cheap ingredients easily available at your home? Yes, it's possible to get that sparkling white teeth without having to spend hundreds of dollars for dental cosmetic products. Your Teeth is very important for your Smile and no wonder why people want to keep their teeth white during a date or an interview. This hub contains very useful proven tips through which you can get white teeth naturally in weeks, using simple , cheap ingredients.
1 - Baking soda is a classic to whiten teeth. Use pure, on your toothbrush dipped in hydrogen peroxide at 10 volumes.

2 - The classical scaling to the dentist can help to remove some surface stains caused by tea or coffee.

3 - Some foods like apples, celery or carrots contribute to the removal of deposits on the teeth because they increase saliva.

4 - Tea, coffee, red wine, all red fruits: blueberry, cherry, blackberry ... alter the brightness and color of your teeth. To prevent stains settle down, brush your teeth or drink water immediately after ...

5 - If you smoke, the brown spots caused by nicotine can be difficult to leave because they penetrate the enamel. In this case, whitening may be the solution.

6 - To prevent yellowing, dentists recommend regular brushing at least three minutes after each meal (three times daily) will help you maintain healthy teeth, also with the use of interdentally Brush heads for clean spaces interdentally.
7. Mix Baking Soda with hydrogen peroxide and apply on your teeth. This provides amazing results as well

8. Lemon Juice is a wonderful natural agent which helps to remove Tartar(plaque) from your teeth. Add a little lemon juice with hot juice and wash your mouth. This acts as a very good teeth cleanser

9. Whiten your teeth by brushing salt on your teeth. Salt is a natural cleanser which effectively removes stains from the teeth

10. You can use Parsley leaves to cleanse your teeth and get a sparkling white look. Chew parsley leaves for a few minutes will do a lot of good to your teeth. It also helps prevent bad breath.

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